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Foul Bid to Control Higher Education

13 January 2025 | Deccan Herald

The new draft regulations issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC), on appointment of vice-chancellors and faculty in universities and colleges, aim to drastically change the country's higher education system and bring it under the control of the Central government. The provisions grant overriding powers to the chancellors in the appointment of vice-chancellors of state universities. The search committee will have no representative of the state government on it. The governor of a state, who is an appointee of the Central government, is the chancellor of the universities in that state, and so the vice-chancellors will in effect be appointees of the Central government. Under the draft regulations, there is no requirement of a PhD degree or a particular number of years of teaching experience for appointment as a vice-chancellor Any person from business, administration or other fields can be appointed to that position Existing norms for the appointment of faculty members and their promotions are also proposed to be changed….

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