Resist Political Capture of Universities and Their Conversion into Propaganda Machines
16 January 2024 | DTF Press Release
Delhi University is hosting a book release function for a book titled “Modi vs Khan Market Gang”. All the persons invited for this function are part of the BJP with the Vice Chancellor in the chair.
It is shocking that the University administration has stooped so low and is providing a platform for overt propaganda for the ruling party. It is no surprise that Vice Chancellors have become agents of political parties and do not hesitate to brazenly use the resources of Delhi University for propaganda. Such events have become the norm in a University that celebrated it's centenary event in a series of such events, marked by the absence of scholars of repute..
This undermining of the academic character of universities has grave consequences for independent and critical thinking. Unfortunately, processes such as the institution of Value Added Courses and Skill Enhancement Courses, most of which are far removed from academics, are being used to normalise this degeneration of teaching, learning and research.
Such events are symptomatic of the ruling dispensation's never ending quest to capture academic institutions thereby sidetracking universities and colleges from their core functions of teaching, learning and research.
This is being done through hand picked Vice Chancellors playing an active role to further the Government's agenda to destroy public funded education.
The capture will be furthered by the new UGC Draft Regulations 2025 which allows for non academic individuals to take over and run universities and lateral entry of non academics into the teaching profession.
The DTF strongly disapproves this subversion of the academic character of Delhi University and calls upon DU Administration to desist from turning the university to appendage of the ruling dispensation.
The DTF appeals to teachers, non-teaching colleagues, students and citizens who value universities to come together to reclaim Delhi University as an authentic centre of teaching, learning and research.
Rajib Ray, President
Abha Dev Habib, Secretary